Delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

You can choose from wide variety of shipping services we offer at checkout page.

How long will delivery take?

It can take 7-15 business days to be deliver your product after you place your order. Most products are delivered within a week all over india.

What exactly happens after ordering?

After you place the order your product will be packed and shipped via your preferred delivery method.

Do I receive an invoice for my order?

Yes, you will receive invoice for all order you place on fexqon store.

The product is cheaper on other site, why should i buy from you?

We provide best products and services to all customers. If you find same product cheaper on other website, you can contact us and we might provide even better price for your product. 


What payment methods are available for purchase

You can choose from wide variety of payment methods on our checkout page. You can pay us via Credit card, Debit card, UPI, and other payment apps.

What is wishlist?

You can keep your favorite products in Wishlist that you wish to buy in future.

What should I do if I receive a damaged or wrong product?

You can contact us from our contact us page if you receive damaged or wrong product. Make sure you make a video of unboxing or opening the package as a proof so we can help you better.

Can I change or cancel my order?

You can cancel or change your order only before it is shipped from our warehouse.

What is ``package tracking`` in my orders?

You can track your orders on this page.